Ode To Petunias...

Ever had one of those moments where primal fear turns into a light-bulb moment? Trust me, I didn't see this one coming.

Here's the story: I have an irrational fear of spiders. Indeed, those eight-legged freaks send me running for the hills, screaming a scream so high pitched that only my dog can hear it.

My wife has even had to code-name them "petunias" just to keep me calm. And guess what? There's a petunia setting up shop on my deck right now, constructing a rather giant web.

Now, let's talk about that web for a moment. This isn't just any web; it’s a thing of genius. Designed to be sticky. Strategically placed in a high traffic area. Methodically covering the space in a radial grid.

I don't find it beautiful - but I do think it's brilliant.

Just another night deckside at the Come Wright Inn.

Here's the thing: Outstanding messaging is just like that web—sticky, strategically placed, and methodically covering all parts of the user journey.

  • Stickiness ensures your message stays with your audience.

  • Position it in high traffic areas to maximize visibility.

  • Methodically check every point of interaction to make sure it works for your users.

Spiders still scare the hell out of me, but I'm grateful for this tiny eight-legged architect for giving me a new perspective on messaging.

Now, on to you, my friends. I know you have groundbreaking ideas that can transform the world. And many entrepreneurs struggle to articulate their vision. It’s like having the energy to spin a web but not knowing where to start.

Yes, DazedLeaf here seems to be a bit confused. I guess it's time to start looking for another accountant... sigh.

Here’s your challenge, should you choose to accept it—take one of your current projects and run it through our petunia-inspired checklist. Is it sticky? Is it in a high traffic area? Does it methodically cover all the basics?

Remember, even a primal fear can teach us something valuable. Here's to learning from our petunias and making our messages as brilliant as their webs.

RJ Redden