🎢 Keep your hands and feet inside this email at all times
Let’s take a trip down memory lane, shall we? A few years ago, I found myself at an amusement park with my then-girlfriend and her cadre of pharmacy school friends.
Picture it: bright sunny day, the smell of cotton candy in the air, and the sound of laughter and excitement echoing all around. I was still a fresh face in her circle, eager to make a good impression.
The day was cruising along smoothly until we reached the inevitable crossroads: the rollercoaster.
Yes, the rollercoaster—the beast of steel and screams. Now, I’ve never been one to chase adrenaline for fun, but when her friends egged me on, my need to impress overrode my sense of self-preservation.
So, up I went, strapped in tightly, trying to mask my rising dread under a thin veneer of bravado.
The ride was a whirlwind—a burst of speed, sudden drops, and wild turns. I did my best to keep it together, thinking I had concealed my fear masterfully. But fate, my friends, has a funny way of unmasking pretense.
As we disembarked, I noticed that my companions had rushed ahead, their laughter ringing louder with each step. Turning the corner, I found the source of their amusement: the ride's automated camera had caught my moment of terror in all its unfiltered glory.
This image can be found hanging in the Come Wright Inn. In the third basement. Underneath the stairs.
There it was, a snapshot of pure fear, plastered directly in our path. My desperate attempt to be someone I wasn’t—someone who was tough enough to ride the rollercoaster—had come crashing down in the most hilarious and humbling way.
And therein lies today’s golden nugget of wisdom: don’t pretend to be someone you’re not, especially in your messaging. The truth, dear ones, has a way of surfacing no matter how deeply you try to bury it.
Instead, embrace your true self. Know who you are and what makes you unique. Shine like a rainbow disco ball on Saturday night, and you'll go from invisible to invincible.
The secret to slaying dragons is a killer dance move under the disco lights.
Fast forward to today, and this lesson continues to resonate deeply. Many entrepreneurs (including me) feel the pressure to fit into molds that society, peers, or even self-doubt try to impose.
We’re driven by groundbreaking ideas, yet sometimes fear that our true selves might not be "enough". Remember, it's your authenticity that sets you apart.
It’s your unique perspective and genuine voice that will magnetically attract the support and community you need to turn your ambitious visions into reality.
Turning what you don't want people to see into your greatest strength is a process, I know. So don't do it alone! Hit reply and tell me this: Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you tried to be someone you’re not? What did you learn from it? Let’s create a space where we can learn from each other’s journeys.