From my heart to yours.
Greetings Grasshopper!
As I write this, I know I'm an extremely lucky person. Meg is about to come home with a load of groceries, and I'm going to become a sous chef for the rest of the evening. The dog will most certainly be underfoot, and the cat will observe us with a proper amount of disdain.
We're prepping for a Friendsgiving, making three dishes that we make every year: Her mom's apple pie, her grandma's mac and cheese, and for some odd reason, green bean casserole. Recipe straight from the back of the container the fried onions come in. And one can of jellied cranberry sauce, straight from the grocery store shelves. It's tradition.
I'm lucky enough to have friends and family directly in my orbit that care about me. And I know it isn't always true for everyone. So. Maybe you're going through a pile of stuff right now. Or maybe you're away from everyone you love.
Let's do something cool and unusual. Let's make our own celebration.
If you're within the reach of my keyboard, you're invited to the first annual Online Family Friendsgiving at the Come Wright Inn. We're starting this Friday at one PM Central till around four (or when Aunt Jackie finally leaves. She does that Midwestern Goodbye thing. I'll tell you the story Friday).
Random peeps imbibing in the Vault of Spirits. I'm just glad I have their keys.
Come one, come all. I don't even care if we've never met. Show up and enjoy some hospitality, Come Wright Inn style. Because no matter who you are or where you're at right now, you deserve to be celebrated.
Thanks for being my online family. Y'all mean a lot to me.