Let's Rewrite the Rules: Introducing The Epic Engagement Manifesto

Greetings Grasshopper!

It's been an interesting week in the Bot Cave. Spinning Dragon, my ninja sidekick, has been scribbling away. Quill sounds can become unnerving after a while, so I finally asked them what they were doing. 

Turns out, they've been listening to my ranting. A little too well, perhaps. I've been frustrated with some of the things I see happening with AI these days. It seems as if the lowest common denominators in marketing have landed on the concept of using AI for everything. 

My friend Tom Ruwitch calls it AI-washing. You know, take a piece of software, put on a fresh coat of AI-powered paint, and suddenly it's... brand new! Super improved! Will surely shoot your business straight to the stratosphere! Living that AI Laptop Lifestyle!!! And so on. 

The following is an excerpt of our conversation earlier this week. 


     RJ: What are you writing over there?

     SD: A manifesto. 

     RJ: Really? About what?

     SD: Everything you've ever said that Black Belt Bots stands for. 

     (RJ leans in to see as Spinning Dragon covers their paper.)

     RJ: That sounds pretty serious.

     SD: It boils down to this: I'm just as tired as you are of hearing all the hype about bots and AI. We've been working in this area for years, and yet I haven't heard you say anything about it. 

     RJ: I suppose I've just been deep in developing new ideas...

     SD: Ideas no one will ever hear about, unless you write them down. I'm upset that you don't share more, so I'm giving you a push. 

     SD: Here's the deal. You only get to see this if you agree that you will send it out. 

     RJ: Ooof. It's been a minute. Do you think they still know who I am?

     SD: Listen. You tell your clients all the time that they need to connect regularly with their audiences. So why aren't you doing it more often?

     RJ: Something about a plumber fixing their pipes?

     SD (exasperated): This ends now. Tell your audience what you are about - or I will. 


Wow. I've been working with Spinning Dragon a long time, but I'd never experienced this kind of intensity from them. After a bit of discussion, I agreed. 

Cue the montage of Spinning Dragon and I talking through the finer details of the Manifesto. A chalkboard was present at one point, we both smoked Sherlock Homes pipes, and magical math symbols floated above our heads. Which is odd, because the Manifesto has nothing to do with math.

We finally reached agreement, and here it is. Enjoy. 


The Epic Engagement Manifesto

Welcome, fellow adventurers, to The Epic Engagement Manifesto! Get ready to embark on a quest where we infuse our digital world with passion and purpose. Together, we'll rewrite the rules. Choose connection over conformity, empathy over algorithms, and authenticity over noise. Time to grab your virtual swords and unleash our inner connection warriors.

Kickass Practice One: Know thyself, Grasshopper.

Know what you provide that no one else does, and what exactly you want from your business. Embrace your quirks, your passions, and your one-of-a-kind brilliance. Let your authentic self shine like a disco ball on a Saturday night.

Kickass Practice Two: Engage yourself first, you magnificent beast!

Infuse your message with passion and purpose. Let your energy and enthusiasm be contagious. Be the spark that ignites others' curiosity, and watch the digital world light up like fireworks on New Year's Eve.

Kickass Practice Three: Personalize, personalize, personalize.

Personalization is humanization. It’s time to treat people like human beings, not data points.

Kickass Practice Four: Psychographics are the true path to your ideal client.

Go beyond demographics and dive deep into your ideal client's world. Understand their desires, fears, and quirks. It's like mind-reading, but without the crystal ball.

Kickass Practice Five: People want to be seen, heard, and cared about.

Refuse to let algorithms overshadow the fundamental need for human connection. Strive to see beyond the surface, listen with intent, and genuinely care about the well-being of your tribe.

Kickass Practice Six: Thou shalt Know Thy Niche.

Focus, my friend. Master your domain, become the go-to expert in your field. Remember, you can't conquer the world if you're spreading yourself thin like butter on toast.

Kickass Practice Seven: Pattern interruption is the secret to getting attention.

Kickass Practice Eight: Stop marketing. Create a party you’d like to attend.

Be the host with the most. It's time to unleash your inner party planner and make 'em never want to leave.

Kickass Practice Nine: Stop selling. Become an invitation machine.

Roll out the red carpet and extend heartfelt invitations. Let your audience willingly step into your world, where they feel valued, connected, and ready to embark on this epic journey with you.

Kickass Practice Ten: Co-create with your audience.

Your people are your superpower. Involve them, listen to them, and let their voices be heard. When you involve your people, that’s when they begin to invest.


The Epic Engagement Manifesto is our guide to revolutionize digital connections. No more shallow interactions or soulless content. Let's embrace deep recognition, infuse excitement into every message, and create genuine connections that leave a lasting impact. Together, we'll rewrite the rules, challenge the algorithms, and make the digital world a place where people truly connect. Ready to embark on this epic adventure? Let's go, Grasshopper!


What Do You Think?

Spinning Dragon and I want to know what you think of the Manifesto. Love it, hate it, or feel indifferent, we want to know. We worked hard, and we've got some side bets on what we think will resonate the most. 

So let us know! Meanwhile, we are going to run off and practice our shuriken throwing. 



RJ Redden