The question that haunts me…


The question that haunts me is the same that haunts many of us: why is the market so flippin’ underwhelming when it comes to serving heart-driven coaches?

Need a fast funnel builder? Gotcha. Want a template for an email that you can copy and paste to make easy cash? You bet. How 'bout a secret Threads strategy that no one one else knows, so you better act now? 

These methods are easily available. One more pops into existence for every minute that goes by.

So, what's the problem? Why can't people like us use those strategies?

Here's the problem: We don't do business like slick sales sharks in shiny suits. We don't chase and pummel our clients into submission.

We collaborate, we connect, we care. But the market and its "spray and pray" methods don't exactly roll out the red carpet for our kind.

The world pays much more attention to those with aggressive sales tactics and wild sales claims.

Why? It catches attention. It draws eyeballs. It seems like a quick fix in a few easy steps. And look, this person made a million dollars with this system, and I’m sure I could too…

Ooof. If you listen closely, you can hear the sound of money leaving bank accounts.



Many coaches don't realize that we are constantly being sold programs that don’t align with our values. We become hamsters on a wheel, trying to be more aggressive, more "shark-like," because that's the playbook we've been handed.

We bang our heads against the wall, sending high-pressure emails because some guru's template told us to, only to face the sound of crickets chirping. It’s about as fun as being chased by a T-Rex in stilettos. (Truthfully, that does sound kind of fun, but I digress.)

Here’s the thing. I need you to know that there is a way to market ourselves without shouting into the black hole of irrelevance. And I’ve been working on a tool specifically for heart driven coaches.

This isn't your run-of-the-mill software that sprays and prays. First Draft Ninja is a tool that understands you, your unique approach, and your stellar tribe.

This is for all those who want to connect and engage with their audience on a deeper level. First Draft Ninja gets you and your values, and it supports a marketing strategy that doesn't involve the ‘industrial megaphone' method. Instead, it helps you plant a flag saying, "Here I am, tribe! Come join our revolution."

There is a path that respects how you serve and sell.


You're not alone in this journey. And you sure as hell don't have to be the weird one in the Star Wars cantina - unless you want to, of course. (My regular table is near the back.)

So, how about it? Are you ready to join the ranks of the heart-driven coaches who are changing the landscape of marketing as we know it? If your answer is a resounding yes, then hit reply and let me know! I want to hear from you.

And if you want the details on the new software that I’ve created, let me know that too. I’d love to introduce you to my new baby. And maybe take her for a test drive.

That’s all for today, my friends. Take care of you, take care of each other, and I’ll see you in a bot.



RJ Redden