Confessions of a Theater Kid...

Y’all. I just read an article in the New York Times, and I swear these people have been following me around. Here’s the link:

Do I occasionally burst out into song? Yes.

Do I have the willingness to energetically tell a story to a silent crowd of faces staring at me from little Zoom boxes? Hell Yes.

Do I think that these traits are vital to being able to connect with your audience and promote your business? No.

Lemme ‘splain. They’re helpful, but not vital.

You don’t have to be a former theatre kid in order to connect with your ideal audience. But the article did help me identify the one thing you need above all else.

Now quoting from the article, in case you didn’t have time to read:

Anna Cockrell, 25, is now a Nike-sponsored professional track athlete, but as a middle schooler in Michigan, she thrived in a program she described as “basically competitive acting.”

“I don’t perform onstage anymore, but I feel like the theater kid lives on in me,” said Ms. Cockrell, who recalled for this reporter her stellar work in “Honk!” as a child. In both theater and track, she said, you “have to believe so aggressively in your talent while you’re chasing this seemingly impossible dream.”

I have not always been able to believe aggressively in myself. I’m sure some of you relate to that.

But I have always been able to believe aggressively in my talent, and use that energy to chase my dream.

Believing in my talent in what I’ve been able to do for people through messaging and bots, is what gets my engine going. I even have a special meditation I do most mornings that focuses on what I’ve been able to do, and what I’m excited about doing in the day. (Let me know if you want to know more about that).

What does this give me? First, a burst of energy in the morning. Second, a long term belief that I can get through any business situation. Sometimes I need a little help from my coaches, of course. 😎

So! Back to you, Grasshopper. Do you believe aggressively in your own talent, whatever that may be? If yes, do you have any regular practices that feed your belief?

And if not, why not? Seriously, business is difficult enough without the self doubt.

That’s all for now, Grasshopper. Take care of yourself, take care of each other, and I’ll see you in a bot. 🤖


RJ Redden