This one has nothing to do with bots or AI

Greetings Grasshopper!

Remember when you were a kid and the anticipation of discovering a new toy in a cereal box was the highlight of your day? Well, consider this email your grown-up version of that surprise.

Our story begins with me binging Chopped. (For the uninitiated, it's a show on Max that features different chef contestants and strange ingredients every week. The trick is to develop a masterpiece from the ingredients they give you.) It's addictive, I tell you! Odd ingredients, Ted and those nerdy glasses, the different chef judges - it's all wildly appealing to me. So much that I've been really getting into food and recipes.

So. I don't come from a cooking family. Just not something we ever did. Consequently, I have zero experience in the kitchen. Meagan and I will cook sometimes, and I love it when we do. I get to be her sous chef, and I'm pretty good at it.


Back to Chopped. One of the most appealing things about the show is hearing how the chefs learned to cook, and their passion about their craft. They talk about honoring their family members, different traditions, and a whole bunch of awesome history around food. And it struck me that I can have that too.

One chef said:"I can't show my love for you properly unless I've cooked something for you." That statement really hit me. I loved the idea so much that I wanted it to bring it to you. 

Here's the thing. I consider you all my online family. And it's unlikely that we will all ever be in one place together. But I still want to give you something from my heart to yours, from my table to yours.


Bottom Line: I'm going to start sharing food and drink recipes with you on these posts.

At the heart of it all, my mission has always been about creating deeper connections with my tribe. I believe we can achieve this by sharing our experiences, our victories, and even our strange kitchen escapades. I want to be there for you as a coach and as a fellow human being navigating this crazy journey called life.

So, here's my call to action - get out there and make something delicious! Let's reconnect with our passions and use them to serve our clients better. If you're feeling brave, I challenge you to hit send me a message and share your creative culinary creation. I promise I won't judge if your dish doesn't look like a five-star restaurant plate. (Because mine sure don't, darlings.)

Remember, "The only real stumbling block is fear of failure. In cooking, you've got to have a what-the-hell attitude." - Julia Child

Until next time, keep serving your clients with love.

RJ 🥷🏼❤️🤖



Recipe from RJ's Secret Invisible Coffeeshop:

Palm Tree Prophet's Potion

1 1/2 parts rum extract, 1 1/2 parts coconut extract, 1 part pineapple extract

Dark roast, Agave sweetener

Tantalizing Dungeons and Dragons related description:

After a night of too much rum, our hero once had a vision under a coconut tree (or so they claim). A pineapple deity apparently chose them as the world's protector. Celebrate their "divine" calling with this drink, and remember to take their tales with a grain of salt.

RJ Redden